Setup Guide
0. Setup Video
This video shows how to do the source and easyconnect setup steps below.
1. Getting an access token.
First we'll want to login to account. Then go to your account settings.
2. Enter access token into EasyConnect.
(Info) Networking Considerations
These are the I.P's/DNS for this source. Use this video guide if you want to modify the network policy to only include this I.P.
(Info) Sample Queries
Example #1: Get specific columns from the data and apply types to the data.
data['Account ID']::int as account_id,
data['Address 1']::varchar as address_1,
data['Campaign Data 1']::varchar as campaign_data_1
Example #2: This query will give you every column available. Our suggestion is to take the list and enter it into chatgpt to create a view.